Week 8 - Communicating Materiality and choosing Materials

The chosen materials applied to my 3D model represent my interest in 'artificially' made objects (non-natural/man-made) integrated into the natural environment and how certain materials/compositions of that object can ultimately reform perceptions of how structures fit within the environment in a more appealing way that they don't necessarily look foreign/out of place in the environment they're placed in however incorporate nicely and compliment the natural elements of that environment.

All model materials embody this notion through their reflecting light forms that ultimately mirror the elements of the environment whilst showing the dimensions of the object

the first combination I chose to use on the model was between textured glass 'mosaic' and a stained mahogany timber

By making the internal faces of the object wood and the external glass in a green/yellow hue the object both reflects the wooden finish of the model itself and also the external elements of the environment as its a reflective material.

The second combination of materials I chose was textured glass again and water flowing material with a deep blue colour and soft light composition.

And finally, the third materials I chose were textured glass on the external faces and a warm copper for the internal. 



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